Yada 繩縛展演 Shibari Performance - 1200NT/人 per person
7月07日 週日
|貓樓上 Cats Downstairs
狂野、慾望、征服、愛憐於一身,全在舞台上閃耀,沒有多餘的東西,Yada完全專注在繩模上,完全的控制、運用繩子輕鬆操縱身體何去何從。 Wildness, desire, domination and care so much all together on stage, nothing extra, so focused on the rope model, so much control of the body manipulation just with rope handling.

Time & Location 時間 & 地點
2024年7月07日 下午1:00 – 下午4:00
貓樓上 Cats Downstairs, Section 3, Chengde Rd, Datong District, Taipei City, Taiwan 103
For English please scroll down.
- Yada X 貓樓上 - 繩縛表演 Shibari Performance
7/7 週日 下午 13:00-16:00
Yada Keawburee / Yada.kinbaku 是一位來自泰國,曼谷的緊縛、性教育、及禁羈教育工作者,師從吉田よい Yoi Yoshida (與 紫護縄びんご Shigonawa Bingo 為歌舞伎町SM酒吧「初心-UBU-」、「密蜜-mitsu-」共同經營者, 並一同主理 大縄あそび Onawa Asobi .)。
"接著是Yada...從來沒有看過現場演出展現這種女性的狂野、慾望、征服、愛憐於一身,全在舞台上閃耀,沒有多餘的東西,Yada完全專注在繩模上,完全的控制、運用繩子輕鬆操縱身體何去何從。尤其不論繩模做到了什麼,Yada對繩模的回應是滿滿的肯定。這讓我感動到, 表演中途落淚、結束時甚至哭到不能自己。"
7/7 SUN 13:00-16:00
Ticket: 1200NT/p
Yada Keawburee aka. Yada.kinbaku, Shibari Artist & Sexual/Kink Education based in Bangkok, Thailand. Yada is a student of Yoi Yoshida (co-owner of SM bars 初心-UBU- and 密蜜-mitsu- alongside Shigonawa Bingo; also running Onawa Asobi together).
Yada began exploring Japanese rope bondage in 2015 and opened her own workshop under the name "Yada Kinbaku" to teach techniques in late 2018.
Yada's teaching is based on her teacher in Japan, Yoi Yoshida, and is slightly customized to suit each person.
Yada believes that rope bondage is not just about tying someone up, but it's also a way to communicate with a person through rope without saying any words, allowing oneself to sink deep into vulnerability.
Yada believes that it's important for everyone to stay in touch with themselves and to confront any trauma they may have. By delving into the deepest parts of oneself, healing and feeling better become possible.
Noir_fix and Hanzi from Cats Downstairs had the chance to see a performance in Kuala Lumpur,... we got spelled from Yada's magic, and we wanna bring this epiphany to Taiwan! Below is Noir_fix's thoughts after the show.
"And then Yada, never seen live someone showing female wildness, desire, domination and care so much all together on stage, nothing extra, so focused on the rope model, so much control of the body manipulation just with rope handling, and her responses in affirmation for what we however the rope model has achieved… I cried of course, during and after."
Hard to describe, we hope you can see it with your own eyes!